It's a cold and windy Sunday at Camp Guy. Yesterday was my last Cub Scouts Pine Wood Derby (I'll get the pics and videos to you guys asap) because I think the Arrow of Light always falls on that day. I'll be moving up to Webloes 2 in May. Also, we are going through a business down fall. So don't forget the bird houses and feeders make great gifts. We have nascar, armed forces, emergence service, motorcycles, John Deer, and Betty Boop. you can find more at http://www.campguy.com/. If you send in a plate we'll make a birdhouse out of it. To do it , go to the Camp Guy website and e-mail my dad. He'll tell you our shipping address and then you send it in. Soon we'll send you back a personalized bird house. Don't forget that we're on Facebook.